Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What matters most


In the midst of fights and arguments, Misunderstandings and misrepresentation, We grow our life together, Through moments that truly matter.

Ups and downs, hand in hand, Belief in each other, our steady stand, In our small, sweet family, These moments bring us clarity.

Time heals, it’s magical and kind, Acceptance and love we’ll surely find, All we need is time for ourselves, To cherish the memories, our personal shelves.

Through it all, I'll always remember, The times we shared, our love’s ember, In the tapestry of life we weave, Together, forever, in love I believe.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Happy Guru Pornima

You taught me to walk,

You taught me to talk,

Instilled in me life lessons,

Guiding me through each progression.

You helped me devour knowledge vast,

Teaching me from first to last.

You showed me how to face defeat,

And stand firm against any heat.

You taught me kindness, compassion too,

To care for others, to be true.

You made me strong, you made me free,

The first teachers I'll ever see.

With your wisdom, love, and grace,

You've shaped me in this wondrous place.

Happy Guru Purnima, Maa and Paa,

My guiding stars, my shining light by far.

It's not the luxuries or grand vacations,

Not the things that bring short elations.

True love's not built on material things,

But on the trust and joy it brings.

It's in the talks that never tire,

In knowing when hearts require,

A gentle touch, a hand to hold,

In love that never grows old.

It's in the time we freely give,

In support that helps us live.

When these fade, the bond is broken,

No wealth can mend what's left unspoken.

Cherish the love that’s true and kind,

Is that so difficult to find?

Friday, July 19, 2024

Happy birthday!

The moon, the stars, the heavens high,  

Oceans deep and mountains nigh,  

Beaches where the waves do play,  

All remind me of you each day.

The school, the park, where laughter rings,  

Buses, trains, and planes with wings,  

Books, and pencils, pens so bright,  

All hold your memory in their light.

Toys, cardboards, mats on floors,  

Each moment's memory, forever yours.  

With you, it's bliss, so pure, so true,  

Unconditional love in all I do.

Love you to the sky and back,  

In every moment, there's no lack.  

You know you're cherished so,  

In every way, I hope you grow.

Happy Birthday Reyansh, forever my Tillu

Friday, July 5, 2024

The Dream

It was just yesterday you promised to stay,

Just yesterday you said we'd find a way.

Just yesterday you comforted my fear,

Just yesterday I felt you were near.

Just yesterday I believed you'd fought it all,

Just yesterday I felt you wouldn't fall.

Just yesterday when I was sure you'd stay,

Only to realize it was all a dream today.

A dream that shattered in no time,

A dream that was never truly mine.

A dream that couldn't ever be us,

A dream that concealed so much mistrust.

A dream that ended with you walking away,

Leaving when I needed you to stay.

A dream that left me all alone,

A dream that cut me to the bone.

Yet in the silence, strength I find,

A resilient heart, a clearer mind.

For from this dream, I will awake,

And forge a path I choose to make.

The bond

It’s surreal—the bond so tight,

That tiny life just taking flight.

Growing stronger every day,

In every little, precious way.

It’s there to bring her endless joy,

Her strength, her hope, her pride.

It’s there to make her spirit whole,

To fill her heart, to touch her soul.

And this strong woman, fierce and true,

Will fight off any pain for you.

She’ll be there through the thick and thin,

Ensuring comfort from within.

A bond beyond what words can say,

Unseen, yet never fades away.

Misunderstood by all but one,

This connection has just begun.

For she knows one thing crystal clear,

To keep you safe, to hold you near.

She'll move mountains, cross the sea,

That’s the bond, forever free.