Monday, November 23, 2020

Vipassana - Embracing equanimity

It's been quite many years since I was wanting to attend a Vipassana course having heard it from many around me. And finally I was able to do one in the month of Dec 2019.

While I was prepared for the 10 day no talking mode, what I wasn't prepared were the day long meditation sessions. It seemed quite a task to be meditating for hours together initially. However, as days passed, I kind of started enjoying it.

I won't get into what happens in a Vipassana course, you'd know it better if you attend it once. What I'll write about is how Vipassana changed me.

Before attending the Vipassana course, like most of us I was affected by all things happening around me - the good and the bad. Getting super happy with the good things in life and angry or sad with the bad things. One of the many things that Vipassana teaches is to accept both the good or the bad with equanimity. DO NOT get happy with the good or sad with the bad. While as simple as it sounds, it's pretty much difficult practising it. Having been conditioned since childhood to react in a certain way, this sudden change of practising equanimity wasn't going to come easy.

However, the 10 days of Vipasanna, made it a little less difficult if not easy. After the course, I noticed that I wasn't really getting affected or bothered by some of the things which I initially would. I was more tolerant and accepting towards everything in general. The constant negative thoughts were slowly going away and I was as much accepting towards someone whom I got along with as well as someone who I couldnt stand. It gave me a lot of inner peace and the realization that embracing such a habit of equanimity could be so much life changing!

This change of mind was reflective in both personal and professional life.