Friday, May 25, 2018

Create your table

Recently I came across a you tube video where Meghan of 'The Suits' fame talks about a topic that is very close to my heart

This video opened up a flurry of thoughts, past experiences, stories from many of my friends.

The video makes a small but profound statement towards the end - Create your own table. For me this seemed like a very powerful 4 word sentence. Something that many of us might have been unknowing been doing everyday.

Even in this age where we talk about diversity and equality, there is no denial that there still exists a gender discrimination in society - be it at home or workplace. I have been fortunate enough to have not witnessed a gender disparity at home and was lucky enough to be have been for the most part not be constrained in not doing something. My first brush with this came only when I was in my last year of graduation and was giving interviews for jobs. Being a chemical graduate and having a chemical background in the family, I was always fascinated by the big chemical factories and this is where I wanted to land my foot into. So when one of a very big companies came in for campus recruitment and I sailed through the final round of interview, I was elated. However, my happiness was shortlived when I was told that I did not fit into the role since the vacancy was for the production department (mostly dominated by males). Though I was demotivated, I did not lose hope and continued to follow my passion. I did land a job in a chemical research company, however that turned out to be short lived too due to the limited opportunities and ultimately I took an abrupt decision of switching careers and moving into software.

Since then I have done decently well in my career. What I have learnt along all these years is this very statement - Create your own table! Being a woman, there are many times you've got to deal with egos, make people realize that you are no less if not better, be ready to offend your peers with your success. Take it up on yourselves to empower yourselves and more than anything learn to be commanding enough so your colleagues take you seriously. And finally realize that you need to stop thinking of what others  think about you because there is always this someone who will be a debbie downer. But at the same time there are also a lot many who can create a table for you and who encourage you to create your own table. I feel proud to be associated and have known some really strong women who are doing superb professionally while being a big role model for many others in the industry.

The going may seem a little tough but as they say nothing comes without a struggle. Create your own path, work towards it, empower other women around you :)

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