Sunday, September 9, 2018

Whats in for me...

Recently I was killing time browsing over the internet and chanced upon a brilliant video by Jack Welch that explains the role of a leader -

One very important point made here is as a leader how crucial it is to let your team know - "What's in for them..." Organizations hire people to deliver results for them which is understandable. However, the point that is missed is employees are also looking at growing themselves and carve a path that is advantageous for them as well. So as a leader, when we are trying to bring in a new product or a new technology or a change of vision in the organization, it is but inherent that we would talk about the value addition that the change brings for the company. But in majority of the cases we forget to stress on the value add it has for the employees. It could be as simple as learning a new tech, or expanding the domain or diving into the futuristic trends. Focusing on disseminating such information means your employees equally understand the value and passionately work towards achieving it.

Organizations that have long staying good and passionate employees are the ones that consider providing a value add to their employees as much as to the organization. The best secret of an organization's good health and long term sustainability is being able to create and retain a talented pool of employees by truly empowering them and be able to answer the question for them - 'What's in for me?'

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