Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The fading moments of togetherness


In the gentle descent down the stairs we share,

On a bike ride, wind tousling our hair.

Brewing chai side by side, a sweet endeavor,

In the quiet of night, our souls intertwine forever.

Just those precious moments, so simple and pure,

Illuminate our days, of this I was sure.

No grand gestures or lavish displays,

Just your presence, in myriad ways.

Yet amidst life's hustle, time slips away,

And the moments we crave, seem to stray.

Expectations fade, like shadows in the night,

Leaving behind an emptiness, a silent plight.

As the longing fades and dreams drift apart,

I'm left with a heavy, aching heart.

Those few moments we shared, now memories gray,

In the silence, I watch them slowly decay.

But as the echoes of our time together fade,

I'll hold onto them, though they may degrade.

For in the depths of sorrow, I'll find my way,

And cherish those moments, come what may.

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